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Passion for Painting

I decided to make my Professional Passion Project about how much I like painting. Like I said in the video, I started painting in March 2020. It's really soothing, and a fun hobby that I could turn into a business. 

"Go ask alice" tiktok analysis

The assignment was to make a "Literary Tiktok". I made my tiktok based off of a book named Go Ask Alice, which is about a teenager's life spiraling because of a drug addiction. I was inspired by the show Euphoria, which has the same topic as the book. I also used a song that sung about the feeling that might make someone turn to drugs for comfort.

Survivors guilt

Project: "What I Think About the World Today". This video shows the truth about how I feel living through this year that will go down in history. I acknowledge and more importantly feel guilty for not being struck tragedy, because I know so many are. I also feel like I've hit a plateau for activism. I already spread the news and sign petitions, but nothing I do alone seems to make a difference.

The Debit Card

For our Final Choice Project, I decided to make a video about an actual anxiety I have, which is everything that can go wrong when I use a debit card at a store. This skit is a version of a real conversation I had with my sister one time, and events that actually happened in a store before.

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